Happy New Year SLC!
So here we go again, another year.
I dont know about you but im feeling quite positive as we leave 2007, the year of the german anti virtual child conspiracy, Nemo Sim drama, and the strange Disappearing Child AV fiasco. The strange policy shifts, the infamous Note Card from now ex Linden Chadrick. The "Broadly Offensive" rubbish and general feeling of discrimination from not just other residents but also the Linden Lab itself as we are forced to type in our profiles that we are not actually minors or face account cancelation.
In all truth when it comes to these dramas i think we all got on with our pursuit of fun and friendships just fine, except for those who for a brief while were suspended pending age verification.
I think more and more other communities are realising what the Child Av can bring to SL and i think this might be a really good thing to have on our side. The more others realise what we can bring to SL the better.
I had a talk with a woman who was discussing getting communities who are persecuted to talk at events shes holding. The idea is to highlight what different groups go through so the second life community as a whole has a better understanding. I rather liked that idea and might be talking to her again. But this si something we as a group should consider this year.
I know some of you are more active than others in SL, building, scripting and stuff. I think we should really push this year to make the Second life Children Community the most talked about community in SL... for the RIGHT reasons this time.
We are a highly talented and imaginative group whos ideas bring out the kid in anyone. We create fun safe atmospheres that any age would enjoy and with the Lab pushing SL towards an Age verified world of safe zones and mature zones we are going to need to show we are the experts and care about what we do.
Eventually SL will open its doors officially to under 18s. People will want residents who can build safe environments and it would be great if they turned to the talented creators within the SLC for that.
So i urge you all this year to create, not just in the SLC, but in the other groups you are part of, steampunk, cyber punk, fantasy, pilots, trekkies... Get your build out there, show Second Life what us Kid Avs's are made of, cos they need to know.