Every now and then we bring out a new SLC Awareness campaign poster. This is to keep the campaign fresh in order to remind those who may have forgotton, or for newbs who are not aware of the strife that can surround child av's. It is also because of revisions of the actual advice.
There has been in the past a lot of internal controversy over the wording of this advice. We really only have the interest at heart of all those who come to SL as Child AV's. We dont want anyone to get into trouble with anyone, we want you to have as much fun in SL as we do and so this advice was created as steps to lower your risk of being picked on by outsiders who dont know and dont wont to know about our community.
The new revised advice simplifies some and expands on others. Please check out the advice here :)
Also the new POSTERS note givers are available FREE in the SLC Learning treehouse at Guardian Island Sim